Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 12-18 March ’23
Sunday 12 March 2023
- 1 Leopardess at Olifants road hunting impala
- 45 Elephants at Barnard airstrip feeding
- 1 White Rhino bull drinking
- 1 Black Rhino bull at Mashopi road feeding
- 3 Lionesses (Kudyela pride) resting
Monday 13 March 2023
- 1 male Leopard (Dyambu) west of Mahlolwa road.
- 5 Lionesses and 5 cubs at Bruite weg
- 20 Elephants at Groeneboom feeding
- 40+ Elephants feeding at impalaweg 5
Tuesday 14 March 2023
- 10 Elephants at Mhisi road feeding
- 1 Hyeana at Nwambu road
- 2 White Rhino bulls at Barnard/Nonwana cutline
- 20 Elephants at Pondoro main/Gama road
- 1 White Rhino bull
- 1 Hyaena at Nwambu road
- 20 Elephants at Olifants road/Pondoro main junction
Wednesday 15 March 2023
- 9 Wild dogs and 1 Hyaena at Barnard airstrip
- 6 Lionesses and 1 Lion at Rhulani’s road
- 2 Elephant bulls at River road west
- 1 Black Rhino
- 2 White Rhino
- 20+ Elephants at Kudu weg
- 1 Leopardess at Mathangi Rock
- 200 Elephants at Bushbuck dam
- 1 Black Rhino resting
Thursday 16 March 2023
- 1 Elephant at Koppie road
- 200 Buffalo at Singwe north of Elephants dam
- 1 Lioness and 5 young cubs at Kwarhi road
- 5 Lionesses, 1 Lion and 5 sub-adult cubs at Kwarhi Road
- 1 adult male Lion (Masungulo male), 5 Lionesses and 5 sub-adult cubs (Kudyela) at Nonwane/Barnard cutline resting
- 1 Buffalo bull at Xikulu dam drinking
- 1 White Rhino bull drinking
- 20 Elephants at Rome IV waterhole drinking
Friday 17 March 2023
- 1 Lioness ( Kudyela pride) and 5 young cubs at Olifants road resting
- 1 Leopardess at Giraffe road up a tree
- 40 Elephants at Ntaba road feeding
- 20 Elephants at Ngala dam drinking
- 2 adult White Rhino bulls drinking
- 40 Elephants Nonwane/Barnard cutline feeding
Saturday 18 March 2023
- 35 Elephants at Xibejana dam drinking
- 150 Buffalo north of Venture dam grazing
- 10 Elephants at Pondoro main junction matsongo feeding
- 1 male Lion at Maxopi
- 1 Elephant bull at Kurt new road
These were all the amazing sightings seen on safari for the week ending 18 March.