Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 5 – 11 March ’23
Sunday 5 March 2023
- 2 Spotted Hyaena at N’wambu road resting
- 4 Lionesses (Kudyela pride) and 5 sub-adult cubs at east/west cutline
- 1 White Rhino bull
- +-100 Buffalo at Kambaku road grazing
- 20 Elephants at Shangana road feeding
- 20 Elephants at 1/2 cutline feeding
Monday 6 March 2023
- 3 Lionesses (Kudyela pride) and 5 young lion cubs south of Billy’s lodge resting
- 1 Leopardess at faka-nchovela north of manzi-bovhu heading west
- +-40 Elephants at Nkumbi-north feeding
- 40+ Elephants feeding at impalaweg 5
- 100 buffalo east of 8/9 cutline grazing
- 1 Leopardess at Olifants road up a tree resting
- 1 Spotted Hyaena at N’wambu road resting
- +- 40 Elephants at Pondoro main feeding
- 1 adult male Lion (Masungulo) and 1 Lioness (Kudyela pride) at Nonwane/Barnard cutline mating
Tuesday 7 March 2023
- 20 Elephants at Pondoro main junction Shangana feeding
- 100 Buffalo west of elephant dam feeding
- 1 White Rhino bull
- +-40 Elephants at Olifants main road junction Nonwane feeding
- 2 adult White Rhino bulls
- 1 Leopardess at Nyarhi dam
- +- 30 Elephants at Ngala dam drinking
- 4 Lionesses and 3 cubs at Xingambu dam
Wednesday 8 March 2023
- 20 Buffalo at east/west feeding
- 2 Black Rhino
- 2 White Rhino
- 20+ Elephants feeding at Marula road
- 40 Elephants at Pondoro Main feeding
- 1 Leopardess (Nkanyi) at Venture camp heading east
- 3 young male Lions (Kudyela pride)at Rhulani’s road resting
- +- 20 Elephants at Reget pad feeding
- 100 Buffalo at Cheetah plain grazing
Thursday 9 March 2023
- 1 adult male Leopard (Dyambu) up a tree feeding
- 25 Elephants at Pondoro main feeding
- 1 Spotted Hyaena at Mhisi
- 1 White Rhino cow and calf grazing
- 100 Buffalo at Nyarhi dam
- 1 White Rhino bull grazing
Friday 10 March 2023
- +-150 Buffalo at oxford main grazing
- 2 male Wild Dogs at Oxford main resting
- 25 Elephants at Olifants main feeding
- 5 Lionesses (Kudyela pride) with 5 young cubs resting
- 1 Black Rhino feeding
Saturday 11 March 2023
- 1 male Lion (Masungulo) at bush camp resting
- 1 male Lion (Masungulo) and 1 Lioness (Kudyela) resting
- 1 Black Rhino cow feeding
- 25 Elephants at Ngwenya dam drinking
- 30 Elephants at Kwarhi road feeding
- 1 female Leopard at Olifants road heading south
- 40 Elephants at Nongonoko
These were all the amazing sightings seen on safari for the week ending 11 March.