Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 14 to 20 July ’19
Sunday 14 July 2019
- 4 Buffalo drinking at Koert Bushcamp Waterhole
- 80+ Buffalo heading Eat from Makoti Road
- 5 White Rhino feeding around Rhulani’s Road
- 1 Female Leopard (Nkanyi) heading North on East/West Cutline
- 1 Female Leopard heading East from Hamilton South
- 5 White Rhino drinking at Van Wyk
- 1 Male Elephant moving north from Olifants Road
Monday 15 July 2019
- 6 Lionesses with 14 cubs heading Northeast from Billy’s Lodge
- 1 Male Lion mating with 1 Female at Billy’s Lodge Entrance
- 80+ Buffalo sleepong at Xipalatsi
- 20+ Buffalo driniing at Deadend Dam
- 15+ Elephants feeding around Ngwenya Dam
- 1 Male Elephant static just South of Top Road
- 1 Female Leopard heading East along Olifant Road
- 60+ Buffalo heading West from Shiduli Road
- 2 Male Elephants static on Gama Road
Tuesday 16 July 2019
- 4 Lionesses static on Camp Fire Link
- 12 Elephants feeding East of Middle Road
- 4 Male Buffalo East of 8/9 Cutline
- 40+ Buffalo feeding around Derde Weg with 1 Male White rhino nearby
- 1 Male Lion with 1 female heading North from Elephant Dam
- 30+ Elephants feeding on Bernard’s Airstrip
- 1 Female Leopard heading Southeast from Impalabos East Cutline
- 60+ Buffalo feeding around Groeneboom
Wednesday 17 July 2019
- 6 Lionesses hunting on Cambridge 2
- 2 Wild Dogs static on Big Bend
- 2 Lionesses forced a female Leopard up a tree around Ngala Dam
- 30+ Elephants at Xibenjana Dam
- 5 White Rhin0 static at Van Wyk
- 1 Male White Rhino static at Kudu Dam
Thursday 18 July 2019
- 1 Male Leopard (Chavaluthu) static at Mofuweeda Road
- 20+ Elephants feeding around Robbie’s Road
- 3 White Rhino static around Rooibos Road
- 60+ Buffalo feeding around Riaan’s Road
- 1 Male Leopard (Chavaluthu) with a female Leopard with 2 cubs feeding on Impala kill close to Cement Pipe Road.
- 3 White Rhino static at Venture Camp Dam
Friday 19 July 2019
- 4 Lionesses with 12 Cubs static at Xingalani Dam
- 50+ Buffalo static around Kambaku Road
- 15 Hyenas sleeping around the den site on Rome 4
- 14 Elephants drinking at Ngala Dam
- 1 White Rhino drinking at Xingalani Dam
- 1 Male White Rhino moving South from Rome 4 Water Hole
- 3 Lionesses with 12 Cubs resting close to Kambaku Road
- 1 Female Leopard (Nkanyi) moving South from Goeneboom Road
- 100+ Buffalo grazing around Makoti Road
- 30+ Elephants feeding on Bernard’s Airstrip
Saturday 20 July 2019
- 4 Male Buffalo grazing around Maroela Road
- 40+ Elephants static on Singwe Road
- 5 Lionesses with 12 cubs moving North along 1/2 Cutline
- 20+ Elephants feeding around 8/9 Cutline
- 12 Spotted Hyena resting at Rome 4 den site
- 1 Aardvark moving south from Hongonyi Road
What an incredible way to end the week with a super special aardvark sighting!