Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 7 to 13 July ’19
Sunday 7 July 2019
- 1 Female leopard static at Kudu Dam
- 2 White Rhino males sleeping on Top Road
- 20+ Elephants static on Zebra Weg
- 40+ Buffalo static on Kudu weg
- 1 Female and 1 male Lion static on Singwe Main Road
- 40+ Buffalo feeding around Sun Road
Monday 8 July 2019
- 1 Female Leopard (Nkanye) at Nyala Plains
- 50+ Buffalo static at Groene Boom Road
- 1 Male White Rhino static at Ngala Dam
- 20+ Elephants static on Mangwa Road
- 40+ Buffalo static on East/West Cutline
- 20+ Elephant feeding around 4/5 Cutline
- 1 Female Black Rhino drinking at Xikulu Dam
Tuesday 9 July 2019
- 2 White Rhino static on Rhulan’s Road
- 40+ Elephant on Nonwana/Impalabos Cutline
- 60+ Buffalo static at Kudu Dam
- 3 Male White Rhino moving East from Rhulani’s Road
- 100+ Buffalo grazing at Rhudi’s
Wednesday 10 July 2019
- 4 Hyena with 2 cubs just West of 4/5 Cutline
- 3 Lionesses hunting Impala on Rome 2
- 1 Big male Elephant drinking at Koert’s Bush Camp
- 3 Wild Dogs moving South from Big Bend
- 100+ Buffalo grazing around Trunken Weg
- 3 Lionesses with 14 Cubs resting on Mpfundla Road
- 25+ Elephants static on Elephant Walk
Thursday 11 July 2019
- 1 Young male Leopard resting in a tree close to Van Wyk
- 1 Male Lion with 1 female mating on TLB Road
- 10 Male Elephants feeding around Maroela Laan
- 3 Lionesses with 14 cubs crossing Olifants Road to the North
- 1 Female Leopard heading South from Deadend Dam
- 1 Lioness heading East from Charlie’s Hide
- 5 White Rhinos stataic on Boetabessie Loop
- 3 White Rhino drinking at Van Wyk
- 1 Male Elephant drinking water at Koert Bush Camp
- 1 Male Elephant South of Ngala Dam
Friday 12 July 2019
- 30+ Elephants drinking at Ngwenya Dam
- 80+ Buffalo feeding around Gunter’s Clearing
- 2 Spotted Hyena heading West from Pondoro Main
- 1 Female Leopard in a tree close to Hopel Weg having been chased by 7 Wild Dogs that are resting nearby
- 5 White Rhino wallowing at Deadend Dam
- 5 Lionesses static just west of Middle Road
Saturday 13 July 2019
- 2 Wild Dogs crossing North West towards their den on Big Bend
- 1 Male Lion static West of Delivery Road
- 1 White Rhino heading East from Deadend Dam
- 1 Male Elephant West of singwe boma, feeding
- 14 Spotted Hyena at Rome 4 den site
- 1 Leopardess at Boetabessie dam with 1 cub heading towards Bush Lodge Main
This was another incredible week of fantastic safari sightings with cat sightings all over out traverse.