Big 5 Safari Sightings for the week 14 – 20 November 2021
Sunday 14 November 2021
- 1 Male White Rhino feeding South of Kokwana Road
- 70+ Buffalo resting North of Ngala Dam
- 3 Lionesses (Kudyela Pride) Sleeping North of Boetebessie dam
- 25 Elephants feeding near Mhisi Loop
- 2 Male Lions (Masungulo Males) sleeping near Xikulu Dam
- 1 Female Leopard (Nkanyi) heading South along Huppel Weg
- 20+ Elephants feeding near Robbie’s Road
- 2 Hyena resting near Ngala Dam
- 1 Female Leopard heading North from Manana Road
Monday 15 November 2021
- 1 Female Leopard heading West from Kokwana Road
- 1 Male Lion resting near Waterkant
- 10+ Elephants feeding near Koppie Road
- 20+ Elephnats feeding near Leeuspruit Road
- 2 White Rhino feeding near mangwa Road
- 1 Spotted Hyena moving south from Ngala Dam
- 1 White Rhino Bull drinking from Xikulu Dam
- 1 Elephant Bull feeding near Robbie’s Road
- 20+ Elephants drinking water from Kudu Dam
Tuesday 16 November 2021
- 4 Male Lions heading East from River Lodge Main
- 20+ Elephants drinking from Van Wyk Tranke
- 30+ Elephants feeding near Khumba Road
- 1 Lioness (Kudyela Pride) resting near Boetebessie Dam
Wednesday 17 November 2021
- 70+ Buffalo resting East of Ngala Dam
- 25+ Elephants feeding near Mohlabetsi/Impalabos Cutline
- 2 Male Lions (Masungulo Males) mating with a Lioness (Kudyela Pride) near Eskom Giraffe
- 20+ Elephants drinking from Ngala Dam
- 70+ Buffalo drinking from Ngala Dam
- 1 Female Leopard (Faka-Nchovela) drinking from Kudu Dam
- 1 Young male Leopard heading South from Kokwana Road
Thursday 18 November 2021
- 1 White Rhino wallowing in Boetebessie Dam
- 1 Spotted Hyena heading South from Mangwa Road
- 10+ Buffalo heading East from Koppie Road
- 2 Male Lions drinking from Ngala Dam
- 1 Spotted Hyena resting near Ngala Dam
- 1 Male Lion (Masongulo Male) mating with a Lioness (Kudyela Pride) near Mhisi Loop
- 2 Spotted Hyena moving South from Nyari Dam
- 70+ Buffalo resting near Luma-Nyama
- 150+ Buffalo resting near 8/9 Cutline
- 1 Female Leopard (Nkanyi) heading North from Top Road
- 4 Spotted Hyena heading North from Top Road
Friday 19 November 2021
- 25+ Elephants feeding near Robbie’s Road
- 1 Spotted Hyena resting near Xindzele Road
- 1 Female White Rhino with her young calf grazing near Mbonga Road
- 4 Elephant Bulls feeding near Pondoro main
Saturday 20 November 2021
- 2 Male Lions (Kudyela Pride) reting near Mangwa Clearing
- 1 Female White Rhino with her young calf resting near Pondoro Main
- 1 Spotted Hyena heading North from Mohlabetsi/Hearnes Cutline
- 10+ Elephnats feeding near Klipspringer Road
- 2 Young Male Lions (Kudyela Pride) resting near Pondoro Main
- 15+ Elephants feeding near Koppie Road
- 15+ Buffalo feedin gnear Koppie Road
- 2 Spotted Hyena heading South from Andre Se Pad
This is a summary of the sightings we had whilst out on safari from Pondoro Game Lodge