Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 21-27 Nov ’21
Sunday 21 Nov 2021
- 100+ Buffaloes drinking and grazing at ngala dam
- 20+ Elephants drinking at xikulu dam
Monday 22 Nov 2021
- 1 White rhino bull
- 25+ Elephants feeding south of ngala dam
- 2 Male lions at pondoro main
- 50+ Buffaloes resting at ngala dam
Tuesday 23 Nov 2021
- 30+ Elephants south of ngala dam
- 15 Elephants feeding at Robbie’s dam
- 1 White rhino bull
- 2 Lionesses resting at xikulu dam
- 1 Male leopard heading west from rhingana dam
- 30+ Buffaloes at mahlo road
Wednesday 24 Nov 2021
- 50+ Buffaloes grazing at 8/9 cutline
- 10 Young Kudyelas resting at kudu road
- 1 Black rhino bull
- 2 White rhino bulls
Thursday 25 Nov 2021
- 1 Elephant bull feeding at koppie road
- 1 Leopardess (Nkanyi) and a male leopard busy mating at nsuna road
No drives for the rest of the week.
That was the big 5 and other interesting sightings for the week ending 27 Nov 2021.