Big 5 Safari sightings for the week of 27 December 2020 to 2 January 2021
Sunday 27 December 2020
- 1 Male Leopard (Matimba) sleeping West of Xindzele road
- 40+ Elephants feeding near Tony’s Dam
- 50+ Elephants feedng near Xingwana road
- 2 Male White Rhino resting near Xingwana Road
- 1 Hyena heading South from Tora Road
- 1 Young Male Lion with 1 Lioness hunting near Hongonyi Road
- 2 Lionesses with 2 young male Lions sleeping near Shortcut Road
Monday 28 December 2020
- 20+ Elephants feeding near Jiga-Jiga
- 15+ Elephants feeding near Maroela Road
- 1 Young male Lion with 1 Lioness heading West from Kambaku Road
- 10+ Elephants feeding near Mangwa Road
- 2 White rhino bulls drinking from Ngala Dam
- 2 Male Lions with 2 Lionesses (Singwe pride) and 2 cubs sleeping near Singwe Plains
- 1 Hyena heading South from Luiperden Weg
Tuesday 29 December 2020
- 15+ Elephants feeding near Ngala Dam
- 3 White Rhino resting near Kurt Bush Camp
- 1 Male Lion and 5 Lionesses sleeping near Singwe Main
- 40+ Elephants drinking from Nglana Dam
- 1 Male White Rhino feeding nead Xindzele Road
Wednesday 30 December 2020
- 20+ Elephants feeding near 8/9 Cutline
- 2 White Rhino bulls drinking from Ngala Dam
- 1 Lioness sleeping near Shangana Road
- 20+ Elephants feeding near Ngala Dam
- 2 White Rhino drinking from Xikulu Dam
Thursday 31 December 2020
- 2 Lionesses (Singwe Price) under the power lines on Singwe
- 4 Elephant bulls feeding near 1/2 Cutline
- 20+ Elephants feeding near Ngala Dam
- 6 Lions sleeping on the bank of the Olifants River on Singwe
- 1 Female Leopard (Vhakanchovela) sleeping near Waterkant
- 1 Lioness sleeping near Singwe Boma
- 20+ Elephants feeding near Koert Bush Camp
- 2 Buffalo feeding near Rulani’s Road
- 2 Hyena heading South from Ntomane
1 January 2021
- 1 Male Leopard (Matimba) heading East from Van Wyk Tranke
- 2 Lioness sleeping near East/West Cutline
- 1 Lioness sleeping near Nyari Dam
- 20+ Elephants feeding near Zebra Weg
- 4 Lions sleeping near Huppel Weg
- 2 Lions sleeping near Cheetah Clearing
- 1 Female Leopard (Vhakanchovela) heading North from Waterkant
- 1 Female Leopard heading West from Singwe Boma
2 January 2021
- 5 Lions sleeping near 4/5 Cutline
- 1 Lioness drining from Rome 4 Watering Hole
- 15+ Elephants feeding near River Lodge Main
- 2 White Rhino drinking from Ngala Dam
- 2 Lionesses sleeping near Xirhomberombe
- 1 Elephant Bull drinking from Nyari Dam
- 5 Lions sleeping on Rome 4
- 20+ Elephants feeding near Elephant Dam
- 2 Hyena heading West from Main Road
This is a short summary of the Big Five sightings we had during the week. All the staff had an amazing time hosting our guests into the new year.