Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 3 to 9 January 2021
Sunday 3 January 2021
- 3 Lions (Kudyela Pride) ressting near Nyari Dam
- 2 White Rhino bulls feeding near Xiyingwana Road
- 20+ Elephants feeding near River Lodge Main
- 15+ Elephants feeding near Pondoro Main
- 1 Elephant bull drinking from Nyari Dam
Monday 4 January 2021
- 1 White Rhino bull with a female and a calf wallow West of Nyari Dam
- 2 White Rhino bulls sleeping near Xiyingwana Road
- 9 Lions (Kudyela Pride) hunting near Dead End dam
Tuesday 5 January 2021
- Photographic safari with focus on birding
Wednesday 6 January 2021
- Only photographic vehicle out
Thursday 7 January 2021
- Photographic safari
Friday 8 January 2021
- 2 Lions (Kudyela Pride) sleeping near Nyari Dam
- 40+ Elephants feeding near Huppel Weg
- 1 Leopardess heading East from Xhindzele Road
- 1 Male Leopard (Mathimba) sleeping West of Xhindzele Road
Saturday 9 January 2021
- 1 Leopardess resting near Suna Road
- 20+ Elephants drinking from Ngala Dam
- 2 White Rhino bulls feeding near Xhingwana Road
- 6 Lions sleeping near Mhisi Road
- 2 White Rhino drinking from Dead End Dam
- 3 Lions sleeping near Nyari Dam
- 15+ Elephants chasing lions around Nyari Dam
- 1 Leopardess sleeping near Manana Road (Nkanyi)
- 1 Hyena heading South from Xhingwana Road
This is a short summary of the larger sightings we had during the week, a lot of focus was spent on finding and photographing birds and smaller mammals.