Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 28 July to 3 August ’19
Sunday 28 July 2019
- 1 Female Leopard (Nkanyi) static on Zebra Weg
- 1 Female Leopard (Thuli) heading West from Hens/Mohlabetsi Cutline
- 3 Lionesses with 5 cubs feeding on a Giraffe kill on Warran’s Road, with 10+ Hyena and 20+ Elephants nearby
- 3 Lionesses with 7 juveniles at Hlambabenjana Dam static
Monday 29 July 2019
- 2 Unknown male Lions with 1 Kujela Pride female feeding on Giraffe kill on Warran’s Road
- 50+ Buffalo drinking at Kudu Dam
- 20+ Elephants heading South from Hamilton South
- 1 Female Leopard (Fakachovela) static on Main Road East
- 20+ Elephants drinking at Venture Camp Dam
- 50+ BUddalo feeding around Main Road East
- 3 White Rhino static on Bruite Weg
Tuesday 30 July 2019
- 3 Machaton Male Lions feeding on Giraffe kill on Warran’s Road
- 3 White Rhino static on E/W Cutline
- 50+ Buffalo static at Ngala Dam
- 3 Buffalo static on Pondoro Main
- 2 Wild Dogs with 10 pups static near their den on Big Bend
- 2 Male Lions with 2 Lionesses and 3 cubs static at Thomas Dam
- 1 Black Rhino static at Charlie’s Hide
Wednesday 31 July 2019
- 20+ Elephants heading Northeast from Impalabos West Cutline
- 1 Black Rhino static at Robbie’s Dam
- 1 Male Leopard static just East of Warren’s Road feeding on Giraffle kill that with 2 Hyena nearby
- 1 Spotted Hyena on Pondoro Main
- 20+ Elephants static around Leeuspruit
- 15+ Elephants heading east from Big Bend
- 8 Wild Dogs with 10 pupsat their den on Big Bend
- 1 Lioness sleeping just East of Thomas Dam
Thursday 1 August 2019
- 1 Male Lion with 2 Lionesses and 10 cubs sleeping just North of Hamba Bejane Dam
- 60+ Buffalo feeding around Tranken Weg
- 30+ Elephants feeding around Mohlabetsi/Impalabos East
- 2 Spotted Hyena Warren’s Road feeding on Giraffe
- 1 White Rhino drinking water at Tamboti Dam
Friday 2 August 2019
- 1 Female Leopard feeding on Duiker just South of Rodney’s Road
- 30+ Elephants feeding around E/W Cutline
- 60+ Buffalo heading north from Groeneboom Weg
- 1 Female Leopard (Nkanyi) static just South of Olifants Main, West of E/W Cutline
- 5 Wild Dogs at their den site on Big Bend Road
- 2 White Rhino drinking at Van Wyk
- 60+ Elephants static feeding East of Waterkant
Saturday 3 August 2019
- 1 Male Lion static South of Campfire Link Sodic Site
- 10+ Elephants feeding around Pondoro Main
- 1 Male White Rhino (Jombana) static on Big Bend
- 1 Wild Dog with 2 pups static at den on Big Bend
- 3 White Rhino static just East of Bruite Weg
- 60+ Elephants moving South from Venture Camp Road
- 1 Spotted Hyena static on Bateleur Road
This week we were fortunate to have a lot of predator action on safari after the lions killed a giraffe.