Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 4 to 10 August ’19
Sunday 4 August 2019
- 3 White Rhino static on York/Hens Cutline
- 40+ Elephants feeding around Steven’s Road
- 1 Female Leopard (Nkanyi) static on Mahlolwa Loop
- 2 White Rhino heading North away from Nkanyi on Mahlolwa Loop
- 3 Male Lions with 7 lionesses and 16 cubs feeding on a buffalo near 1/2 Cutline
- 70+ Buffalo static E/W Cutline junction with Mohlabetsi Cutline
- 25+ Elephants feeding near Mangwa Road
- 2 Hyena Pups resting at their den on Rome 4
- 1 Wild Dog fighting with 1 Hyena over an Impala carcass, leopard came in and stole a little piece, just South of Butabesi Dam
Monday 5 August 2019
- 20+ Elephants static on Pondoro Main
- 1 Female Leopard static at Botabesi Dam
- 7 Wild Dogs with 8 pups resting around their den on Big Bend
- 15+ Elephants feeding around Warren’s road
- 30+ Buffalo sleeping on Shigewenga Road
- 30+ Elephants static on Hopel Weg
- 4 White Rhino sleeping West of Hopel Weg
- 40+ Elephants heading South from Waterkant
- 1 Spotted Hyena static at Koert Bushcamp Waterhole
Tuesday 6 August 2019
- 1 Male Lion heading East from Billy’s Lodge
- 4 White Rhino static East of Andries Se Pad
- 6 White Rhinos drinking at Venture Camp Dam
- 30+ Elephants feeding near Hamilton’s North
Wednesday 7 August 2019
- 30 Elephants drinking at Xikulu Dam
- 5 Wild Dogs feeding on Gray Duiker on Big Bend
- 40+ Elephants static on Rhino Walk
- 1 Male leopard (Chavaluthu) static on Top Road
- 1 Black Rhino static on Mohlabesti/Impalabos Cutline
- 4 White Rhino static on Tranken Weg
Thursday 8 August 2019
- 12 Elephants feeding around Craig’s Road
- 1 Lioness hunting around Singwe Main road
- 70+ Elephants static around Rhulan’s Road
- 25+ Elephants drinking at Ngala Dam
- 50+ Buffalo drinking at Gunter’s Resevior
- 50+ Elephants Monzo Road
- 1 Spotted Hyena static on 4/5 Cutline
Friday 9 August 2019
- 6 Lionesses with 12 cubs sleeping East of Shindzele Road
- 1 Young male Leopard (Matimba) heading East from Van Wyk
- 1 Female Leopard (Thuli) static on Hens Cutline with Wild Dogs nearby
- 3 Hyena static on Top Road
Saturday 10 August 2019
- 1 Black Rhino static on Mamba Road
- 2 Male Lions sleeping close to Groeneboom Road
- 1 Male Lion with 18 Lionesses/Cubs sleeping just North of Pride Rock
- 1 Male Leopard with 1 female Leopard (Thuli) heading West from Deadend Dam
- 50+ Elephants feeding around E/W Cutline
- 1 White Rhino static near Main Road
This was another fantastic week of sightings, ranging from incredible variety in a single sighting to massive herds of elephants moving across the landscape.