Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 29 September to 5 October ’19
Sunday 29 September 2019
- 1 Male Lion (Machaton Male) with 2 Lionesses from the Singwe Pride sleeping near Delivery Road
- 20+ Elephants feeding around Mamba Road
- 4 White Rhino static near Main Road West
- 1 Juvenile Martial Eagle near Groeneboom
- 60+ Buffalo Feeding near Ingwe Walk
- 2 Black Rhino drinking from Kudu Dam
- 60+ Elephants feeding around Main Road East
Monday 30 September 2019
- 5 Wild Dogs with 8 Pups sleeping North of Venture Camp Dam
- 6 Lionesses static near Kwahla Road
- 20+ Elephants static feeding on Pondoro Main
- 1 Female Leopard with a kill on Mohlabetsi/Hearns Cutline
- 2 White Rhino static feeding near Main Road West
- 1 Female Leopard near Bush Lodge Pump
Tuesday 1 October 2019
- 7 Lionesses with 16 Cubs playing around the Western side of Elephant Dam
- 15+ Hippo on drink stop at Rome 2
- 10+ Elephants feeding on 1/2 Cutline
Wednesday 2 October 2019
- 2 Male Lions (Machaton Males) sleeping near Pollyshot
- 1 Male Lion (Machaton Male) sleeping near 1,7 Road
- 1 Male Leopard (Matimba) heading East from Pondoro Main
- 2 Male Leopard (Chavaluthu with an unknown male) feeding on an Impala near Rhino Rock Road
- 2 Spotted Hyena also near Rhino Rock
- 2 White Rhino feeding near Mahlolwa Loop
- 15+ Elephants feeding near Pondoro Main
Thursday 3 October 2019
- 5 Lionesses with 12 Cubs sleeping North of Ingwe Walk
- 5 Hyena feeding on a Kudu Carcass near Olifants Main
- 1 Female Leopard feeding on an Impala near Waterkant Road
- 15+ Elephants heading West from Gunter’s New Road
- 2 White Rhino feeding near Campfire Cutline
- 5 Wild Dogs with 8 Pups drinking at Bushlodge Waterhole
- 1 White Rhino female with a young calf resting near Tambotie Dam
- 20+ Elephants feeding West of Nyari Dam
Friday 4 October 2019
- 7 Spotter Hyena sleeping in and around Tambotie Dam
- 16+ Elephants heading East from 4/5 Cutline
- 5 White Rhino heading South from Kahlestelle Weg
- 2 White Rhino feeding near 4/5 Cutline
- 1 Male White Rhino drinking from Koert Waterhole
- 20+ Elephants heading East from Xindzele Road
- 1 Spotted Hyena sleeping near Koppie Road
- 1 Leopardess (Fakanchovela) heading West from Leoparden Weg
- 1 Female Black Rhino (Khuza) with her calf drinking from Bushlodge Water Hole
- 3 Wild Dogs with 8 Pups sleeping near Bushlodge Waterhole
- 1 Black Rhino sleeping West of Leadwood Pan
- 1 Spotted Hyena sleeping north of Rhulani’s Road
Saturday 5 October 2019
- 3 Lionesses with 10 Cubs sleeping near Singwe Main
- 1 Female Black Rhino drinking at Tambotie Dam
- 1 Male White Rhino rolling in the mud at Xigamba Dam
- 1 Female Black Rhino with her young calf drinking water from Mohlabetsi Dam
- 4 Wild Dogs with 8 Pups sleeping near Mohlabetsi Dam
- 25+ Elephants feeding near Huppel Weg
- 1 Female Leopard (Nkanyi) feeding on Duiker near Kahlestelle Weg
This is a short summary of the highlight sighting we had whilst out on our Safaris in the Greater Kruger National Park.