Big 5 safari sightings for the week of 6 to 12 October ’19
Sunday 6 October 2019
- 1 Female White Rhino with a very young calf moving West from Mahlolwa Road
- 20+ Elephants drinking at Gunter’s Reservoir
- 1 Female Leopard (Nkanyi) sleeping at Van Wyk
- 1 Female Leopard sleeping in a tree near her Duiker kill on Kahlestelle Weg
- 3 White Rhino sleeping in some shade West of Nyati Dam
- 15+ Elephants feeding near Leoperden Weg
- 1 White Rhino male sleeping near Xigamba Dam
- 2 Lionesses with 4 Cubs sleeping near Middle Road
Monday 7 October 2019
- 7 Spotter Hyena sleeping in and around Tamboti Dam
- 2 Black Rhino static East of Tamboti Dam
- 40+ Elephants feeding near Zebra Weg
- 4 Elephant Bulls slowly moving North
- 1 Male Lion with 2 Lionesses and 3 cubs sleeping near Deliveries Road
- 1 Female Leopard sleeping in a tree near her Duiker kill on Kahlestelle Weg
Tuesday 8 October 2019
- 1 Wild Dog running East from Melembe Loop
- 1 Spotter Hyena heading East from Mhisi Loop
- 6 White Rhino feeding just West of Mahlolwa Loop
- 20+ Elephants feeding around Chavaluthu Road
- 1 Spotted Hyena heading North from Gunter’s Reservoir
- 20+ Elephants heading South from Nyari Dam
- 1 Female Leopard sleeping on the Southern side of Boetebessie Dam
Wednesday 9 October 2019
- 2 Lionesses with 3 cubs sleeping on the Western side of Kloof Dam
- 4 Elephants feeding around Campfire Cutline
- 2 Elephant Bulls heading South along Pondoro Main
- 1 Male Leopard heading North from Tony’s Dam
- 5 Lionesses with 12 Cubs sleeping East of Leadwood Pan
- 2 Spotter Hyena drinking from Van Wyk Waterhole
Thursday 10 October 2019
- 8 Elephant Bulls feeding around Middle Road
- 1 Male White Rhino sleeping near Pipe Road
- 1 Female Leopard (Nkanyi) heading East from Baksteen Road
- 5 Lionesses with 9 Cubs sleeping near Majongo Road
- 3 Male Lions (Machaton Males) with 2 Females and 2 Cubs heading Southeast from Chavaluthu Road
- 1 White Rhino Bull drinking from Tamboti Dam
- 10+ Elephants feeding around Shindzele Road
Friday 11 October 2019
- 3 Lionesses sleeping near Campfire Link
- 1 Female Cheetah sleeping near York/Hearnes Cutline
- 30+ Elephants feeding near Pondoro Main
- 2 Sable feeding near Hearnes Kaya
- 1 Female Leopard (Thuli) heading North from Mazimbovu Dam
- 3 Wild Dog adults with 8 pups sleeping near Boetebessie Loop
- 1 Female Leopard (Vhaganchovela) with 2 Cubs sleeping near Mhisi Loop
- 1 Male Leopard (Matimba) sleeping near Tamboti Dam
- 5 White Rhino heading North towards Van Wyk
- 2 Hyena fighting over a bone on Rhulani’s Road
Saturday 12 October 2019
- 5 White Rhino feeding on Impalabos East/Mohlabetsi Cutline
- 2 Adult Wild Dogs with 8 Pups sleeping near Venture Camp
- 1 Hyena at Tamboti Dam
- 1 Male White Rhino sleeping South of Boetebessie Dam
This is a very short summary of the awesome week we had in the African wilderness. Having seen all three of the Big Cats in one day was an exceptional treat!