Sunday 10 June 2012
- 1 Female black rhino
Monday 11 June 2012
- A group of about 10 buffalo bull resting close to Nyoka dam
- 4 Lionesses were seen close to Pride rock hunting impala unsuccessfully
- A herd of about 200 buffaloes were seen drinking at Tony’s dam
- 1 Male black rhino charging at the vehicle
- 3 Male white rhinos feeding
Tuesday 12 June 2012
- A male leopard ( Chavaluthu ) were seen at main road east marking his territory
- 4 lionesses were seen at the Hearne/York cutline feeding on the remains of a zebra killed the night before
- 2 Female black rhinos feeding
- 5 Buffalo bulls close to Pride rock
- A young male leopard ( Juma madoda ) stalking and catching a guinea fowl
- 3 Male white rhinos
Wednesday 13 June 2012
- A herd of about 250 buffaloes feeding close to Matangi road
- A young female leopard ( unidentified ) close to Monte road
- 2 Female black rhinos browsing
- 1 Male black rhino
Thursday 14 June 2012
- 3 White rhinos grazing next to the vehicle
- 2 Buffalo bulls on the Olifants road close to Gunter’s kaya
- 2 Buffalo bulls close to Gunter’s new road
- 1 Young male leopard ( Juma ) walking along Gunter’s new road
Friday 15 June 2012
- Olifants west pride ( 6 lionesses and 2 cubs ) walking along the Hearne/York cutline
- A big herd of about 250 buffaloes feeding along the York/Barnard cutline
- 2 Leopards ( Rulani and his sister ) feeding on an impala kill close to Kumba road
- 3 Elephant bulls feeding in front of Pondoro camp
Saturday 16 June 2012
- 2 Leopards on the 8/9 cutline close to the impala kill
- 1 Male leopard ( Chavaluthu ) walking along Pondoro Main road
- Saw Chavaluthu again on the afternoon drive stalking and catching a guinea fowl
- Saw a breeding herd of elephants close to River lodge
- 1 White rhino bull