A recent video of a few elephants bulls spraying themselves in order to cool down from the extreme heat that we have been suffering under. It has been a hot, dry summer with little rain to offer respite from the suffocating heat. It has in fact been the most severe drought in Southern Africa since record taking started in the early 1900’s. The effects of the scarcity of grass will only really reflect later in winter during the months of August and September when the general condition of our grazers and browsers will deteriorate quickly. Bad news for them, but good news for the many predators who should be able to take advantage of this.

Elephants would visit waterholes during the hot hours of the day, not only to quench their considerable thirst, but also to cool down by spraying themselves with water, swimming and mud bathing. Our picnic lunch at the hide overlooking Ngala dam is during the right time of day and at the perfect place to witness and observe this interesting behavior.